Friday, September 24, 2010

Get Excited for NaNoWriMo!!

Yesterday I signed up for my very first NaNoWirMo. Every November writers from all over the world torture themselves into writing a full 50,000 word novel in one month, only for the award of saying you did it...and having a completed first draft. You have from Nov 1st to the 30th to complete the 50K novel. I was tempted to do it last year but I didn't have nearly as much material as I do now to choose from.

This year I am fully confident that I can conquer NaNoWriMo! I'm a bit frightened but I joined an AIM blast group so I will have some writers kicking my ass and keeping me in gear.

After much debate (between me and myself), I have decided to work on a story that I have pretty much plotted out but haven't gotten around to writing yet. It's called Montgomery Mills and its a zombie story! (Zombies = Awesomesauce)

I got on the NaNo forum and started stalking chatting a little and noticed a couple of members made really cool banners and book covers to give people an insight of what their writing about this year. So I decided to do a poor excuse of a banner for my story!

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It's good enough, right. Is it November yet?

Look for me on the NaNo Forums: Boogirl

A Wannabe Writer


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