Monday, April 2, 2012

A Nerdfighter is Born

Some of you are no doubt thinking that I must have been living under a rock to have never heard of the Vlogbrothers. I wish I could tell you I was. I wish I could tell you that it was by force that I have not found this striking piece of nerd gold until recently. Sad thing is, I have even been following John Green on twitter for some time now with his books coming close to the top of my TBR pile (needless to say he has jumped all other books and TFIOS is on my radar the next time I can make it to a bookstore). I am determined to chalk this up to fate that I have not discovered the videos until now.

I call it fate because I have a problem. My problem is restraint (or lack thereof) when it comes to something I like. And let me tell you, boy do I like the Vlogbrothers. I am more than capable of watching every video back to back, in sequential order, every second of my free time and never get sick of their beautiful faces. That is a problem not only because I have a job as well as a Husband, Child, and house to take care of. But because I have only written 1,023 words in my WIP this week!

I have an extremely addictive personality. It is only by the good morals my mother beat instilled in my head, that I have never smoked cigarettes or done hard core drugs, nor am I a raging alcoholic, because believe me the addiction would be imminent. Instead of being addicted to meth, I am addicted/obsessed to other things, like rice, and books, movies, TV shows, Pens, Notebook/journals, Harry Potter, Twitter/Facebook/Reddit and now YouTube. More specifically Author vlogs. Even more specifically the Vlogbrothers!

I like to start from the very first video posted and work my way to the most recent. The thing with the Vlogbrothers is that they have nearly 950 videos uploaded to YouTube! That's a lot of frakin videos!!

So I have decided that for the sake of my sanity and my writing - and my husbands sanity- , I will be using the Vlogbrothers videos as a reward for meeting my daily word count.

If you follow my blog you will remember my 2012 deadline to have my current manuscript's first draft completed by is May 31st. My word count ranges between 500-1000 depending on the day of the week. IF I meet my daily word goal I am awarded with the viewing of 3 Vlogbrothers videos for that day. In addition, for every 100 words over my daily word goal, I will be awarded 1 Vlogbrothers video. There will be no rolling over of videos, the reward must be watched on the day it is earned.

This will leave me with many videos still to be watched after May is long gone but I will revise my guidelines for editing when the time comes. Now if only I can muster the restraint needed to keep to this. I think I will try to comment on every video I watch so feel free to subscribe to my Channel CalynBoBalyn, however be warned. It is loaded with videos of my child being cute. Also feel free to like me on Facebook and the Twitter. I will update my progress as I go. I have already watch a bit of videos so my comments will start on the 6th page, when you sort by oldest-newest.

Blog word count counts too right? *Runs off to YouTube*