Howdy Ho Neighbor!
Last year I attempted my very first NaNo, while preggers, and let me just say a lot of crying was involved. If I didn't make my word count or wasn't able to write that day I was a hot mess. After 10 days of the NaNo Nightmare, I decided it wasn't the right time to have that added stress in my life and I dropped it.
Well it is officially the 9th day into NaNoWriMo and I have no intentions on quiting any time soon. I am however, very disappointed with my word count. As it stands at 11:11am I am only just shy of 10,500. Now I do work full time and have a 5 month old who is not only teething, but also testing the waters to see how much she can get away with with mommy; and of course as a first time mom I beckon to her slightest whim. (maybe not her slightest whim, but my heart breaks when she screams for longer than 5 seconds).
I find that I'm having trouble writing on the weekends. There is so much that needs to be done and so many things to distract you, especially if you are procrastinating, which I am infamous for. However, looking back on this past weekend, there were times when my daughter was sleeping and my husband was playing Xbox that would have been the perfect time to write but for some reason I just couldn't get into my writing groove. My writing mojo was gone.
That's where I call out to anyone willing to give advice on how they manage to write anything on the weekends! How do you find time to muster up your writing mojo on those days surrounded by family?
A(n) [advice seeking] Wannabe Writer
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
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